About Me

Hey Guys,

This was such a fun project for me. I love games of all types so it’s great that I was able to combine some of my favorite video games with one of my favorite board games. If this ends up being popular I may end up making more video’s about projects I have done. If I do more projects in the future they will most likely show up on my recklessrobbie YouTube channel. So subscribe to that and let me know in the comments that that is something you want to see more of.

I graduated for Pepperdine University in 2010 and then started doing graphic design and animation freelance. I’m currently living just north of LA and working for a telecommunications company making CAD drawings for their construction projects. I don’t know what I am likely to do for the rest of my life but I love making things on the computer so it will most likely revolve around that. If anyone knows how I can turn 3D printing into a career please let me know.

Please let me know any comments you have in the reply section her, the comments section on my YouTube video, or you can just send me an email at robbie.c.iii@gmail.com


other stuff 014e

One thought on “About Me

  1. Dear Robbie,

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    Could you please send us two in ahigh resolution? We would name you Blog and Name as source?

    Thank´s a lot!


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